Wenn man aus der Produktionsliste mittendrin abbricht werden die Produktionsdauern der restlichen nicht aktualisiert.
Bsp. 2 Flugapparate in Schleife... paar Panzer gebaut... n Flugapparat gebaut... Panzer abgebrochen...
Flugapparat (Fertig in 1 W-Ticks)
Flugapparat (Fertig in 17 W-Ticks)
... aktualisiert sich auch nach nem wtick nicht....
My signature is crap, no witty comment, no funny remark, just this shit. Why are you even reading it? I'm sure you have far more interesting things you could be doing. Digging your left eyeball out with a plastic spoon for example, that could be fun.
My signature is crap, no witty comment, no funny remark, just this shit. Why are you even reading it? I'm sure you have far more interesting things you could be doing. Digging your left eyeball out with a plastic spoon for example, that could be fun.